Bermuda Cigar Company owner Grant Kennedy hand rolls Cuban–style cigars with a Bermuda twist, putting to use training from a Romeo y Julieta expert craftswoman. For the cigar aficionado, it doesn’t get much better than seeing your cigar created before enjoying a smoke. Perfect after dinner with a fine cognac, while on vacation or to celebrate a special occasion, a Bermuda Cigar Co. cigar is always a pleasure. Take them home as the genuine Bermuda-made souvenir!

Cigar choices:

The Longtail – a mild cigar with a Connecticut wrapper, a light, delicate outer leaf.
The Bermudez – a mild and spicy smoke with a pink wrapper from Nicaragua.
The Barracuda – a medium smoke with notes of coffee and chocolate.
The Wild Hog – ideal after dinner cigar with strong leaf tobacco sourced from Cameroon, Africa.

Mr. Kennedy rolls his cigars at the Bermuda Craft Market in the Royal Naval Dockyard from May to October. They are on sale at the Craft Market year-round and may be viewed in a specially designed and regulated humidor.  You will also find Bermuda cigars at Churchill’s, York Street, St. George’s and Chatham House, Front Street, Hamilton.  He is available to produce Bermuda Cigar Company handcrafted cigars and entertain guests at special events, private functions, weddings and celebrations.


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